Pengaruh Pemberian Probiotik Berbasis Lactobacillus Sp Terhadap Pertambahan Berat Badan Harian dan Titer Antibodi ND Ayam Broiler
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian probiotik berbasis Lactobacillus sp terhadap pertambahan berat badan harian dan titer antibodi ayam broiler. Materi yang digunakan meliputi alat dan bahan. Alat yang digunakan adalah tempat pakan , tempat minum, timbangan. Bahan yang digunakan ayam broiler 400 ekor CP 707 unsex serta probiotik Biotogold(probiotik buatan CV. Biojanna Surakarta) yang mengandung bakteri Lactobacillus sp, Rhodopsedomonas sp, Actinomycetes sp, Yeast/Saccharomyces, Streptococcus sp, dan Lactococcus sp dan pakan BR1 produksi JAPFA Comfeed dan kandang dengan ukuran 5 x 8 m2.Vaksinasi ND yang digunakan adalah ND strain Lasota (Medivac ND) buatan Medion dengan dosis 500 ds. Vaksinasi menggunakan rute aplikasi tetes mata. Penelitian menggunakan metode percobaan Rancangan Acak Lengkap(RAL) yang terdiri atas 4 perlakuan dan setiap perlakuan terdiri atas 100 ekor ayam broiler. Variabel yang diteliti meliputi : pertambahan berat badan harian (PBBH), dan titer antibodi terhadap ND. Variabel yang diukur adalah berat awal dan berat akhir sehingga diketahui pertambahan berat badan harian ayam. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Pemberian probiotik Biotogold dalam air minum mampu meningkatkan pertambahan berat badan harian ayam brolier sampai dengan 42, 85 gram /hari dan pemberian probiotik Biotogold dalam air minum mampu meningkatkan titer antibodi terhadap ND .Dosis pemberian probiotik Biotogold terbaik pada sapi adalah 20 ml/ekor/hari
Kata Kunci : Probiotik, Lactobacillus sp, pertambahan berat badan, Titer Antibodi
This study aims to determine the effect of probiotics based on Lactobacillus sp on daily weight gain and antibody titers of broiler chickens. The materials used include tools and materials. The tools used are a place to feed, a place to drink, scales. The ingredients used were 400 broilers CP 707 unsex and Biotogold probiotics (probiotics made by CV. Biojanna Surakarta) containing Lactobacillus sp, Rhodopsedomonas sp, Actinomycetes sp, Yeast/Saccharomyces, Streptococcus sp, and Lactococcus sp bacteria and BR1 feed produced by JAPFA Comfeed and cage with a size of 5 x 8 m2. The ND vaccine used was the Lasota strain ND (Medivac ND) made by Medion with a dose of 500 ds. Vaccination using the eye drop application route. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) experimental method which consisted of 4 treatments and each treatment consisted of 100 broiler chickens. The variables studied included: daily weight gain (PBBH), and antibody titers against ND. The variables measured were initial weight and final weight so that it was known the daily weight gain of chickens. The results showed that the administration of the probiotic 'Biotogold' in drinking water was able to increase the daily weight gain of broiler chickens up to 42.85 grams/day and the administration of the probiotic "Biotogold" in drinking water was able to increase the antibody titer against ND. The dose of the probiotic "Biotogold" the best for cattle is 20 ml/head/day.
Keywords : probiotic, Lactobacillus sp, average daily gain,production performance,
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