Agus Wartapa, Yoniar Effendi, Sukadi Sukadi


The Research purpose was to study the arrangement of primary branch number and crop reduction on the yield and seed quality of Kaliurang tomato variety. A field experiment was conducted on regosol soil located in Agriculture Extension College Yogyakarta at 115 m above sea level (asl). The experiment was carried out following 3X3 factorial design arranged in Completely Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. The first factor was branch with 3 levels i.e. 1 primary branch, 2 primary branches and 3 primary branches. The second factor was reduction of tomato fruit set consisting 3 levels i.e. 0,96 reduction, 15% reduction and 30% reduction. The results show that 3 primary branch and 15 94, or 30 96 crop reduction best crop growth rate, leaf area index on 6 weeks plant growth. The treatment of 3 primary branches and 15% crop reduction gave the highest tomato yield per hectare. And the best weight of 1000 seeds was obtained front the combination of 1 primary branch with 30 % tomato reduction.

Keywords: main branch, tomato reduction, seed quality.

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